Saturday, January 8, 2011

Dinner for Two!

2 months that is! Yesterday was officially 2 months since the wedding and my beautiful wife prepared us a surf and turf dinner! So much for the diet!

Man, she is a little ratatouille!

Yes, that's asparagus, lobster, and steak! Not to mention the asiago cheese bread and Lemmon pepper broccoli! Damn I'm spoiled. Luckily there wasn't any wormy potatoes hehe sick Bee!

Well cheers to us and here's to the first year of our marriage.

Btw after she downed her wine, she was out. Knocked out on the couch so I (being the wonderful husband that I am) cleaned the whole kitchen. Took me an hour, but it was worth it to see her smile. I might have screwed myself though, because now she knows I can clean.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sticky Froggy

If you had $2 and were walking along Target, what would your dream item be? If you said Sticky Frog you'd be right there with Sarah H from work. She bought a 12 pack of sticky frogs and decided to give me 6. Those sticky frogs have landed every where at LD, some on the ceiling, some on The windows, and some in people's hair, and 1 in my pocket.

My pocket? Yes, my pocket. I brought one home with the idea of scaring... I mean showing Bianca.

I planted it by the backdoor, because my poor wife is often going to the garage to wash our clothes.

Sure enough, she walked right through my trap, laundry basket in hand. Ribbit ribbit.

"Dan!" she yelled. I ran over and acted like it was a dead frog. I picked it up with a paper towel, because yuck imagine touching it with your hands! And of course ended up tossing it into her laundry basket. She screamed a deathly cry. If my neighbors thought we were douches before I wonder what they think now.

The best part is that after I told her that it was a toy and was playing with it , she was still scared of it. I tossed it onto her a few times as she ran from me until she finally held it on her own.

That look doesn't seem too pleased:

I guess the husband of the year award may have to wait until next year.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Gym Pass

So I have followed in my brother's footsteps and joined a 2nd gym. Depending on how good it is I may cancel my Bally's membership.

The gym I signed up with on a trial basis is a Jewish Community which is literally down the street from my work. Now I'm not racist , but am a bit ignorant when it comes to the Jewish community. I expected people walking around with yamakas and dreidals spinning on the floor, but to my surprise it was very normal looking. There was a receptionist in the front and a black guy working the gym desk. I was way off.

It reminds me of the Downey YMCA and gives that same type of family vibe. There aren't too many people working out, so work-outs should be quick and to the point. No waiting around.

When I walked into the men's locker room I (unfortunately) decided on weighing myself. When I removed my clothing I couldn't help but remember the Moon Landing episode from Modern Family. Hilarious! Luckily I didn't cross paths with anyone. This is my official weight:

I wanted to try and take a pic of me on the scale, but the only person near me was an old fat naked guy (hopefully not me in 30 years). The picture could wait until next time.


I ate like crap so far but am going to start drinking slim fast. Which I did try today. Not bad, but also not filling. We'll see where it goes.

Breakfast: I had 1/2 a breakfast burrito that a friend gave me and a banana
Snack: Fiber1 bar. Delicious.
Snack again: hehe I was hungry. Hummus with crackers.
Lunch: slim fast.

Tip of the day:
Someone once told me that your metabolism is like a fire pit and you need to keep feeding it small amounts of wood, so that it burns faster. A big piece (or big meal) will take a lot longer to burn.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, July 8, 2010

9 year anniversary

So 9 years ago I was extremely nervous. I was nervous because in just a few days I was going to ask Bianca to be my girlfriend. I remember wanting to wait until the 11th, because I liked the date 7/11/01. It was a number full of lucky #s which proved to work out perfectly for us, because we are lucky to have found each other so early in our lives.

With a little help from my friends (or sisters I should say) I created a book for Bianca. It was titled reasons why Bianca should be my girlfriend. Throughout the book it had pictures of Bianca and I, pictures of my friends and family, pictures of my car... It was thought out very well and very cute.

What I forgot to include was at the end of the book to say, "Will you be my girlfriend?" or something along those lines. So she read the book and was just kind of standing there afterwards. I finally built up the courage and mumbled, "So, what do you think? Do you want to make this official and be my girlfriend?" She said, "Ok." gave me a kiss and ran inside her house.

I was in ecstasy. During the walk home from her house, it felt like I was flying. I floated inside and told my family the news. I had a girlfriend!

Bianca did the same. Only her reaction was a little different. She showed her parents the book and began to cry, because for the 1st time in her life she had a boyfriend. I guess she took the title of boyfriend/girlfriend very serious, because 9 years later we are still dating (well engaged now).

These 9 years have been the best ever. Bianca makes me so happy and I believe I do the same for her (I know because she texts me this).

We are each other's soulmates and in less than 4 months we will "officially" be together again. I guess it's time to make another book!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Working Out for the Wedding

So, I've been working out like crazy for the wedding. Usually 2 times a day. Now I just need to diet. I came across a Ross store and found a "Barry's Boot Camp" video pack. I decided on trying it out. So far I'm on day two. I would like to share my before and soon to be after pictures. Oh, Bianca is going to try it out with me too and Steph is actually on the DVD cover (very tiny)!!!

When I took my before picture, I realized I definitely need to take this diet and workout very seriously. Before:


Wish me luck Everyone!!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Food Tasting

It's the most wonderful time of the year... No, I'm not talking about Christmas, but the food tasting for Tres LA that took place on Dec.1, 2009. What's Tres LA you may ask? It's the catering company that Bianca and I have decided to go with for the wedding.

The night started with appetizers (personally my favorite part of the night). We tried things from mini Angus sliders to corncake w/ salmon sprinkles. Very fancy I know. Some of these thing were delish some were a little too weird for my taste. However, we promise to select great appetizers for the reception.

We tried salads, entrees, and lots of wine. It was a very good time and once we make our final decisions on the foods I'm sure you (if you're lucky enough to receive a coupon at the church to get into the reception) will have a fun, yummy time.

The only thing I'm worried about is that by the time Bianca and I make it to the wedding, all the appetizers will be gone (you heffers). I need to designate someone to save me some. Any volunteers?

PS: I'm rooting for the Angus beef sliders. (they were del)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Shedding pounds with a stinky frown

My heart's racing. I've been jogging for 10 minutes and am sweating pretty profusely. "Gotta lose some weight, gotta lose some weight." I keep telling myself over and over again. My breathing patterns have gone out the window and I am struggling for air, wheezing in and out. Then it happens. Like in a cartoon, an aroma of a smell makes it's way to me. A cloud of flatulence flood my next breath. I am literally drowning in someone's fart and can taste it on my tongue.
I look to my right, no one there. I look to my left, jack pot. It's a big black lady who looks right back at me, and gives me the, "um huh" grunt. I give her a disgusted look and she acts like nothing happens and keeps on walking. I quit my run, because I' m tired and running is a lot harder when you're holding your breath. I say "that's nasty quietly, but loud enough for her to hear me" and walk towards the bicycle machine. Thank you black lady, thank you for making me cut my jog short.

Don't you hate that? Has this ever happened to you. There should be a no fart rule placed at all gyms. Especially in the cardio section. If you fart while doing sit-ups so be it (I'm guilty of this all the time), but while running, gross. I can still taste it in my mouth.

Yuck, gonna go brush my teeth now.