Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Story of Us Part II

Part 2
They set forth through the pitch black night walking hurriedly to the house Danger assumed he had to be right. “I’ve seen a girl at this corner house, but it’s not four houses down. Maybe these girls just don’t know how to count” Danger told the group. The group chuckled like giddy school girls, because they were worked up about meeting new girls from their cross town rival school. “Ok guys, hold it together. We need to look cool for these girls.” Danger said in an arrogant tone while wearing his Letterman Jacket.
They arrived promptly at the corner and noticed that all the lights in the house were off. “That’s weird.” Sean said. “Are you sure this is it?”
“Yeah, I’m telling you I saw a girl here before.” Danger answered.
“Where’s the fire hydrant?” Benny questioned.
“Umm. I don’t know. It’s dark; we probably just don’t see it.” Danger replied not sounding as confident as before. They huddled together and all appeared fearful of ringing the doorbell. “Stop being wusses, let’s do this already.”
Danger lead the group straight to the front door. He rang the doorbell and waited. Nothing. He rang the doorbell again. Nothing. Then as they were turning away, “What do you want?” an old man wheezed from a crack in the door. He was wearing a bath robe and as he opened the door a strong smell of smoke and old people (bengay, medicine, and cat pee) escaped through. “Umm. Is your daughter home?” Danger muttered to the old man, losing any bit of confidence he had at the beginning of their walk and trying not to breathe.
“My daughter? I don’t have a daughter. Now get out of here, before I grab my gun!” The old man shouted. Old people tend to get upset about nothing very often. The boys sped off without even looking back trying to forget the old people smell that engulfed them at the door.
“What the hell!” Benny screamed as the boys ran farther away from the house. “Stinky, I’m going to kill you.”
Stinky whined, “I swear guys they wanted to meet us. I don’t know what happened.”
They looked at each other and finally Benny said what they were all thinking, “Maybe, they tricked us. There aren’t any girls.” The guys walked away with their heads down. They walked slowly down the street and felt the cold of the night stinging away at their skin.
“Well there wasn’t a hydrant and this was more than four houses down. Maybe it was the wrong house.” Sean thought out loud.
Danger replied, “You could be right, but then where would they be?”
“Let’s try the other corner.” Benny said. The gang got excited again and made their way in the other direction towards the other corner.
Part III coming soon...

The Story of US

The Story of Us
Part 1
Well our story starts off a very long time ago (Hey, we have been dating for 8 years).Sometime in December of the year 2000 there was a young strapping boy named Danger who set out on an adventure that would lead him to find the love of his life. He didn’t know that’s what he was to expect, but love has a funny way of showing up when you least expect it.
One Friday night, Danger was home watching tv when his annoying dark friend Stinky showed up at his door. “Whazzzzuuuuppppp!” he shouted like a struggling walrus glued to a desk chair. (By the way, Whazzuupp was way past its cool period.)
“What’s up Stinky” Danger responded nonchalantly, still paying attention to the television program.
“Do I have some news for you!” Stinky shouted this time making sure to get the attention of Danger by turning off his show.
“What is it?” Danger replied annoyed.
“Well I was on aol instant messenger (AIM) and was pretending to be you, and some girls from Downey know who you are and think you’re hot.”
“Yeah, so what’s new?”
“What’s new is that one of these girls lives right by you. Four houses down!”
Danger instantly envisioned a girl he thought he saw one time down the street from his house. Could this be the mystery girl? Had he finally solved the enigma of the girl down the street by Stinky acting like a “To Catch a Predator” felon and thwarting them into giving him their information? Danger had to find out.
The first thing any normal teen would do is round up his posse so that they can share this discovery with him. Since Stinky was already over, Danger decided to call up Sean and Benny. Great teams always come in 4’s. There are the four hobbits from Lord of the Rings, the Fab Four (greatest band ever), the Fantastic Four, and on this day “The Four Boys from Four Houses Down”. The girls told Stinky that the house was at the corner and had a fire hydrant in front. This was enough for them to set out on their journey.

Part 2 Coming Soon…

Monday, October 26, 2009

Church has been booked officially

So what's the prettiest church you've ever been to? Well guess what that's all going to change come Nov. 7, 2010. Yes, that is our official date of our wedding at our official church which is located on the Loyola Marymount campus (where Bianca received her Master's and is currently receiving her credential from). I believe the ceremony will begin at 4:00pm and should last about an hour. If you don't come to the church portion of the wedding, don't bother coming to the reception. Only emergencies with a doctor's note will be permitted into the reception without attending the church. We will be monitoring this by handing out tokens at the ceremony, and having the priest punch a hole in the token with a symbol only he has the authority to punch in. Okay, you caught me I'm kidding, but it would be very important to Bianca and I if you attend the ceremony. We want a full church so we can mack it up in front of everyone.

Friday, October 23, 2009


Thank you for visiting Danny and Bianca's blog. This blog has been created so that everyone can be updated with what is going on for our wedding. I will be creating a new post at least once a week so be sure to check it often.