Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Story of US

The Story of Us
Part 1
Well our story starts off a very long time ago (Hey, we have been dating for 8 years).Sometime in December of the year 2000 there was a young strapping boy named Danger who set out on an adventure that would lead him to find the love of his life. He didn’t know that’s what he was to expect, but love has a funny way of showing up when you least expect it.
One Friday night, Danger was home watching tv when his annoying dark friend Stinky showed up at his door. “Whazzzzuuuuppppp!” he shouted like a struggling walrus glued to a desk chair. (By the way, Whazzuupp was way past its cool period.)
“What’s up Stinky” Danger responded nonchalantly, still paying attention to the television program.
“Do I have some news for you!” Stinky shouted this time making sure to get the attention of Danger by turning off his show.
“What is it?” Danger replied annoyed.
“Well I was on aol instant messenger (AIM) and was pretending to be you, and some girls from Downey know who you are and think you’re hot.”
“Yeah, so what’s new?”
“What’s new is that one of these girls lives right by you. Four houses down!”
Danger instantly envisioned a girl he thought he saw one time down the street from his house. Could this be the mystery girl? Had he finally solved the enigma of the girl down the street by Stinky acting like a “To Catch a Predator” felon and thwarting them into giving him their information? Danger had to find out.
The first thing any normal teen would do is round up his posse so that they can share this discovery with him. Since Stinky was already over, Danger decided to call up Sean and Benny. Great teams always come in 4’s. There are the four hobbits from Lord of the Rings, the Fab Four (greatest band ever), the Fantastic Four, and on this day “The Four Boys from Four Houses Down”. The girls told Stinky that the house was at the corner and had a fire hydrant in front. This was enough for them to set out on their journey.

Part 2 Coming Soon…

1 comment:

  1. So technically, Stinky should be the best man since he introduced you to Bianca? Hmmmm....
