Monday, October 26, 2009

Church has been booked officially

So what's the prettiest church you've ever been to? Well guess what that's all going to change come Nov. 7, 2010. Yes, that is our official date of our wedding at our official church which is located on the Loyola Marymount campus (where Bianca received her Master's and is currently receiving her credential from). I believe the ceremony will begin at 4:00pm and should last about an hour. If you don't come to the church portion of the wedding, don't bother coming to the reception. Only emergencies with a doctor's note will be permitted into the reception without attending the church. We will be monitoring this by handing out tokens at the ceremony, and having the priest punch a hole in the token with a symbol only he has the authority to punch in. Okay, you caught me I'm kidding, but it would be very important to Bianca and I if you attend the ceremony. We want a full church so we can mack it up in front of everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, and if you click on the picture you will see a little kid rocking it on his air guitar.
