Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Story of Us Part III

As they approached a house that was located four houses down from Danger’s they saw a yellow fire hydrant in the front. “This has to be it!” They all proclaimed. There was music playing inside the house and the lights were on throughout. “Alright, I’ll ring the doorbell. Benny you do the talking.” Danger commanded like a drill instructor in the Marines. They approached the door and Danger rang the doorbell. In what felt like a blink of an eye, two girls answered the door.

“Hi.” One said at the door as the other stood there with a thoughtless smile on her face. The girl who answered the door had long brown hair, and was wearing glasses. She smiled as she waited for a response from the guys and as she smiled the whole night lit up.

“Hey” Danger finally greeted coming back from the slow motion flash forward he had about their future together. “I’m Danny. I live four houses down.”

“I’m Bianca and this is Paola, come in. We have a few friends over and we’re just hanging out listening to music.” said the angel that answered the front door.

“Ok. Cool. We’ll come in in a second.” Danger answered. The guys huddled in the front and all came to a consensus that these girls were beautiful. “I call Bianca” Danger called out to the group as they all frowned. “Fine, I got Paola.” Benny quickly replied as the others were left without a chance to even open their mouths. “It’s ok guys, we’ll play it out and see what happens.” Danger suggested to the group knowing in his heart that he just met the girl of his dreams and that none of them had any real shot at her. Danger could already envision the Dawson’s Creek like relationship in his head and his heart was pounding through his chest. They all agreed to “play it out” and walked in.

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